"I might not tell everybody but I will tell you"
Exhibition with Jan Adriaans at Het Wilde Weten in Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2016
oil, paper, bamboo sticks and cotton yarn
During the time I was working in one of the studios from the collective Het Wilde Weten, Jan Adriaans from collective invited me to show the installation "You shall not look through my eyes" together with his work in the project space.
During the time I spent working in the studio I read and was immerse in the work of Walt Whitman, his poems and vision on nature, fascinated by the process of growing and changing the surface of nature, with small hidden gestures, the discover of this intimacy was the beginning of a important subject of my study.
Parallel to this study I was exploring the subject of gravity related to the space, molding and hanging pieces of paper. The installation made of craft paper, a material easy to manipulate and transform, was painted using a large variety of colors, in the studio and gradually cutted. After I brought this organic, although artificial universe to the project space of the collective and slowly finished the installation, hanging the paper with cotton yarn, finishing the cuts and tying the piece to the space.
Inês Ferreira
The outcome of a conversation between Jan Adriaans and Inês Ferreira.
The two works have nature as the impulse and inspiration to create and manipulate, to transform natural nature into artificial nature, by observation to provide an experience played by Human.
We as social beings can reason and vision, but this is more tight to natural principles then we would like to admit. Departing from nature and artificiality, not as two opposites, but as an unbreakable bond we have to face and explore its potential from within.
Jan Adriaans and Inês Ferreira